I've been so busy I'm like a week and a half behind writing this, but better late than never. August 28th - 31st was this years Toronto Fan Expo. an annual multi-genre fan convention and I spent an amazing four days there. It was founded as the
Canadian National Comic Book Expo in 1994 by Hobby Star Marketing Inc. It's a four-day event (Thursday through Sunday) held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Up until two years ago they use to use just the North Hall but starting last year they started using both the North and South buildings to accommodate the more that one hundred and fifty thousand fan that are now attending each year. Below I've included some the pictures that I took this year.
The Doctor Who society was there in full force. The cast of doctor Who including Matt Smith, Karen Gillian and Arthur Darvill were there to meet and greet fan in a special event Saturday evening at Constitution Hall in Toronto.
The 501st Legion was also there, one of the biggest and most well organized costuming clubs in the world. Now number well over 6000 member, these guys are among the coolest costumers at the event.
As impressive as the costumes of the 501st Legion are, I think their display booth was even more impressive. It included two movie accurate Death Star sets which appear to be right off the movie set. Also the hallway form Princess Lea's diplomatic ship was created in every detail.
Although the final attendance number have yet to be released, I'm guessing that they final tally will exceed one hundred and fifty thousand.
As far as comic books are concerned I found the bargains fewer and far in between this year . Comics are starting to get hot again and as a result the prices are going up while the quality is coming down. I still spent some cash mind you, just not as much as I normally do. I found people spending more than they probably should on books of lesser quality.
OK, I just had to throw this one in there, for obvious reasons. For those that have no interest in Star Wars perhaps this will change your mind.
The Horror genre was of course well represented at this year event. Among the guest for this year were Robert England, Ray Wise, Bruce Campbell and the Cast of the Walking Dead. Rue Morgue Magazine and Anchor Bay Entertainment also had might impressive booth and some really cool free swag.
This year marked the 20th anniversary of the Fan Expo with more vendors, more artists and more cool stuff for sale than ever before. What ever your into, its at the Fan Expo.
Like every Comic Con in every city, it's the people and the costumes that make the event so memorable and this year was no exception.
Another amazing year has come and gone, with the end of the Fan Expo comes the end of the convention season as summer draws to a close. Next year event runs from August 27th to August 30th, I'm already counting the days.